strong /strôNG/ Adjective 1. having the power to move heavy weights or perform other physically demanding tasks. 2. able to withstand great force or pressure. Be strong. We tell children, we tell friends, we tell ourselves in the rocky moments of our lives to be strong, to be…
Plant Seeds Art has always been a part of my life and a vital part of my connection with Matt. I have so many memories of us standing way too close to a painting, hearing dancers labored breathing from the orchestra pit and sitting with our feet up…
We first began to move in the womb and our bodies were built to keep moving. The curvy condoles of our bones come together to form joints, our feet have built-in spirals that allow for the pep-in-our-step that propels us forward. All those little cushions of squishy disks…
Last Monday morning, with a cup of coffee in hand, I grabbed the Saturday NYTimes and hunkered-down in bed. I pulled out a special section titled, “America’s Mothers are in Crisis.